Most of our products are sent from our global warehouse in the U.S. If you order from outside the U.S. the products might be subject to a local VAT, customs fees and additional shipping and handling expenses. The total amount of these services will depend on your country.

We ship packages with the US Post Priority Mail Service, this means your packages will come to you through your local post office. When your package is shipped, your tracking number will appear next to your purchase in your profile. You can track this number at:

For shipments to Australia and New Zealand, we use the US Post Priority Mail Express Service.

Since COVID-19 shipping times vary constantly. Below are the average transit times we have seen lately:

US shipments 7 working days
Canada shipments 10-12 working days
Europe shipments 4 -8 weeks
Asia and Africa shipments 5-10 weeks
Australia and New Zealand shipments 10-12 working days

We have a small facility in Europe to send Diamond Dowsing basic cures. If you only order this product, it will be allocated manually by us to this facility and you will receive your product in a shorter time (2-4 weeks).

If you live in Mexico, please visit where you can find some of our products.